The Tokyo University of Arts Center of Innovation (COI) Program will hold an exhibition entitled “GREY ROOM” from February 22 to March 1, 2020.
New technologies permeate our daily life, changing it drastically before we fully recognize that it has done so. Everything passes rapidly. Have we also lost the time for starting at shadows in our increasingly technological lives? According to Junichiro Tanizaki, modern human beings are gradually losing the art of reading the vague tones of expression that lurk in darkness.
“GREY ROOM” is a project developed in a dimly-lit Japanese house that explores the possibility of constructing alternative images and perceptions through media art, performance and installations, and reinterpretations of past screen technologies, projection devices, and light sources. Using the texts “In Praise of Shadows” (by Junichiro Tanizaki) and “The Slender Margin between the Real and Unreal” (by Monzaemon Chikamatsu) as inspiration, the project reinterprets a Japanese house as an accumulation of devices and technologies producing various tones of shadow and focuses on the fluctuation of perception that flickers on the film between the real and unreal and on which light and shadow opaquely blend.
It is often said that the recent drastic and accelerated development of media technology has shaken our former notions of fact and realty and twisted our basic modes of affect and perception. In order to focus on this situation, this project reconsiders the various tones between our emotions and perception, the real and unreal, light and shadow, and art and technology via a dimly-lit, opaque space filled with shadows and without clear lighting (white cubes) or devices that produce defined images (camera obscura).
桒原 寿行 / Toshiyuki Kuwabara
知覚やテクノロジーの領域を注視しながら、絵画/写真/映像/CGI/生体現象/エンジニアリング/メディア技術/などを用いて表現活動を続けている。第16回 岡本太郎現代芸術賞 特別賞受賞。主な展示会に第16回 岡本太郎現代芸術賞展(岡本太郎美術館)、岐阜 おおがきビエンナーレ2013、 ヨコハマトリエンナーレ連携企画 “東アジアの夢”(BankART NYK Studio)、”幻燈展 --プロジェクションメディアの考古学”(早稲田大学演劇博物館)などがある。東京藝術大学COI特任研究員。
深澤 南土実 / Natsumi Fukasawa Dance Studies。舞踊学、舞踊史、身体表現、パフォーミングアーツ。著書『バレエ・デ・シャンゼリゼ––第二次世界大戦後フランス・バレエの出発』(法政大学出版局)が2020年2月刊行予定。幼少期にクラシックバレエ、その後コンテンポラリーダンスに出会い、平松み紀、エマニュエル・ユイン、太田ゆかり等の振付作品に出演。研究活動と並行し、身体性を大切にして幅広く舞踊活動を行う。東京藝術大学COI特任研究員。
大久保 遼 / Ryo Okubo
期間:2020.2.22(土)~ 2020.3.1(日)
東京藝術大学COI 「 GREY ROOM 」プロジェクト
〒113-0031 東京都文京区根津2-33-1
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